Découvrez les bienfaits de l’approche d’intervention par la nature et l’aventure à travers le regard des scientifiques et quelques-unes des autres organisations qui offrent des services aux jeunes atteints de cancer au Canada.
Références scientifiques
Un nombre grandissant de projets de recherche scientifique ont fait la lumière sur l’impact de la nature et de l’aventure dans les processus de guérison. Il nous fait plaisir d’en partager quelques-uns avec vous.
- Abrams A. N., Hazen E. P., & Penson, R. T. (2007). Psychosocial issues in adolescents with cancer, Cancer Treatment Reviews, 33, 622– 630.
- Barton J. & Pretty, J. (2010). What is the Best Dose of Nature and Green Exercise for Improving Mental Health? A Multi-Study Analysis. Environmental, Science and Technology, 44 (10), 3947-3955.
- Bashore, L. & Bender, J. (2017). Benefits of attending a weekend childhood cancer survivor family retreat. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 49 (5), 521-528.
- Békési, A., Török, S., Kökönyei, G., Bokrétás, I., Szentes, A., & Telepóczki, G. (2011). Health-related quality of life changes of children and adolescents with chronic disease after participation in therapeutic recreation camping program. Health and Quality of Life Outcomes, 9(43), 1-10.
- Bennett, J., Van Puymbroeck, M., Piatt, J., & Rydell, R. (2014). Veterans’ perceptions of benefits and important program components of a therapeutic fly-fishing program. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 48(2), 169–187.
- Berman M. G., Jonides, J & Kaplan, S. (2008). The Cognitive Benefits or Interacting with Nature. Psychosocial Science, 19 (12), 1207-1212.
- Bird, K. (2015). Research Evaluation of an Australian Peer Outdoor Support Therapy Program for Contemporary Veteran’s Wellbeing. International Journal of Mental Health, 44, 46-79.
- Blaschke, S., O’Callaghan, C.C., Schofield, P., & Salander, P. (2017). Cancer patients’ experiences with nature: Normalizing dichotomous realities. Social Science & Medecine, 172, 107-114.
- Bleyer A. & Barr, R. D. (2007). Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults. Springer.
- Brymer, E., Cuddihy, T.F. & Sharma-Brymer, V. (2010). The role of bature-based experiences in the development and maintenance of wellness. Asia-Pacific Journal of Health, Sport and Physical Education, 1 (2), 21-27.
- Casting for Recovery (2016). About Casting for Recovery. Repéré à: https://castingfor recovery.org/about-casting-for-recovery
- Chalquist, C. (2009). A look at the ecotherapy research evidence. Ecopshysology, 1 (2), 1-11.
- Chung, O.K.J., Li, H.C.W., Chiu, S.Y., Ho, K.Y., & Lopez, V. (2015). Sustainability of an integrated adventure-based training and health education program to enhance quality of life among Chinese childhood cancer survivors: A randomized controlled trial. Cancer Nursing, 38 (5), 366-374.
- Corbin, C. B., Welk, G., Corbin, W., & Welk, K. A. (2009). Concepts of fitness and wellness: A comprehensive lifestyle approach (8th ed.). New York: McGraw Hill.
- Crawford, J.J., Holt, N.L., Vallance, J.K., & Courneya, K.S. (2015). Prevalence and interest in extreme/adventure activities among gynecologic cancer survivors: Associations with posttraumatic growth. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 9, 35-40.
- Davis, J. (2004). Psychological benefits of nature experiences: An outline of research and theory – With special reference to transpersonal psychology. Repéré à: http://www.psichenatura.it/fileadmin/img/J._Davis_Psychological_benefits_of_Nature_experiences.pdfhttp://www.soulcraft.co/essays/psychological_benefits_of_nature_experiences.pdf
- Davis-Berman, J, Berman, D. & Berman N. D. (2018). Outdoor Programs as Treatment for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Veterans: Issues and Evidence. Best Practices in Mental Health, 14 (2), 9-20.
- De, P., Ellison, L. F., Barr, R. D., Semenciw, R., Marrett, L. D., Weir, H. K., Dryer, D., & Grunfeld, E. (2010). Canadian adolescents and young adults with cancer: opportunity to improve coordination and level of care. Canadian Medical Association Journal, 183 (3), E187-E194.
- Doherty, S. L., Kayle, M., Maslow, G. R. & Santacroce, S. J. (2015). The adolescent and young adult with cancer: A developmental live course perspective. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 31(3), 186-196.
- Duvall, J. & Kaplan, R. (2014). Enhancing the Well-Being of Veterans Using Extended Group-Based Nature Recreation Experiences. Journal of Rehabilitation Research & Development, 51 (5), 685-696.
- Eiser, C., & Kuperberg, A. (2007). Psychological support for adolescents and young adults. Dans Bleyer, W.A., Barr, R.D. (dir.), Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults (p. 365-373). New York, États-Unis : Springer Verglas.
- Emmons, A. L. (2012). Healing and Therapeutic Aspects of Nature for Women with Breast Cancer. Alliant International University.
- Epstein, I. (2004). Adventure Therapy: A Mental Health Promotion Strategy in Pediatric Oncology. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 21 (2), 103-110.
- Evan, E. E., & Zeltzer, L. K. (2006). Psychosocial dimensions of cancer in adolescents and young adults. Cancer, 107(7), 1663-1671.
- Gargano, V. (2018). L’intervention en contexte de nature et d’aventure : une analyse sous l’angle des facteurs d’aide (Thèse de doctorat, Université Laval, Québec, Québec). Repéré à https://www.erudit.org/en/journals/interots/2022-n155-interots07024/1089312ar.pdf
- Garst, B., Scheider, I., & Baker, D. (2001). Outdoor Adventure Program Participation Impacts on Adolescent Self-Perception. Journal of Experiential Education, 24(1), 41-49.
- Gass, M. A., Gillis, H. L., & Russell, K. C. (2012). Adventure therapy. Theory, research, and practices. New York, NY : Routledge.
- Gill, E., Goldenberg, M., Starnes, H., & Phelan, S. (2016). Outdoor adventure therapy to increase physical activity in young adult cancer survivors. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 34 (3), 184-199.
- Gillard, A. & Allshop, J. (2016). Camp experiences in the lives of adolescents with serious illnesses. Children and Youth Services Review, 65, 112-119.
- Greenleaf, A., Bryant, Rhonda M. & Pollock, J. B. (2014). Nature-based counseling: Integrating the healing benefits of nature into practice. International Journal of Adventure Counselling, 36, 162–174.
- Hancock, L. (2011). The Camp Experience for Siblings of Pediatric Cancer Patients. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 28 (3), 137-142.
- Henry, B.J. (2017). Quality of Life and Resilience: Exploring a Fly Fishing Intervention for Breast Cancer Survivors. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 21 (1), E9-E14.
- Johnson, J.B. & Kelly, W. (1990). A Multifaceted Rehabilitation Program for Women With Cancer. Oncology Nursing Forum, 17 (5), 691-695.
- Kaal, S. E. J., Husson, O., Van Duivenboden, S., Jansen, R., Manten-Horst, E., Servaes, P., …Van der Graaf, W. T. A. (2017). Empowerment in adolescents and young adults with cancer: Relationship With Health-Related Quality of Life. Cancer, 123(20), 4039-4047.
- Keim-Malpass, J., Stegenga, K., Loudin, B., Kennedy, C. & Kools, S. (2016). “It’s Back! My Remission Is Over”: Online communication of disease progression among adolescents with cancer. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 33(3), 209–217.
- Kiernan, G., Gormley, M., & MacLachlan, M. (2004). Outcomes associated with participation in a therapeutic recreation program for children from 15 European countries: data from the « Barrretstown studies ». Social Science & Medecine, 59, 903–913.
- Körver, S., Kinghorn, A., Negin, J., Shea-Perry, M., & Martinuk, A.L.C. (2017). Assessing the experience of social support for parents who attended Camp Trillium’s pediatric oncology family program. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 35 (1), 1-16.
- Li, Qing (2018). Shinrin yoku : l’art et la Science du bain de forêt. Paris : Editions First.
- Maller, C., Townsend, M., Pryor, A., Brown P. & St-Leger, L. (2005). Healthy nature healthy people: ‘contact with nature’ as an upstream health promotion intervention for populations. Health Promotion International, 21(1), 45-54.
- Martiniuk, A.L.C., Aylon, M.D., Briery, B.G., Shea-Perry, M., Kelsey, K.P, Lam, G.W., &
- Körver, S. (2014). Camper Learning and Friendship at Pediatric Oncology Camps in North America. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 32 (2), 234-244.
- Mayer, F. S., & Frantz, C. M. (2004). The connectedness to nature scale: A measure of individuals’ feeling in community with nature. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 24, 503–515.
- Nisbet, E. K., Zelenski, J. M. & Murphy, S. A. (2011). Happiness is in our nature: Exploring nature relatedness as a contributor to subjective well-being. Journal of Happiness Studies, 12, 303–322
- Paquette, L., Fortin, J. & Crête, A. (2016). Impact de la participation à une expédition thérapeutique sur l’ajustement psychosocial et la qualité de vie liée à la santé d’adolescents atteints d’un cancer. Chicoutimi : Université du Québec à Chicoutimi.
- Partenariat canadien contre le cancer (2017). Les adolescents et les jeunes adultes atteints de cancer. Repéré à : https://s22457.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Adolescents-and-young-adults-with-cancer-FR.pdf
- Ramphal, R., Aubin, S., Czaykowski, P., De Pauw, S., Johnson, A., … McKillop, S. (2016). Adolescent and young adult cancer: principles of care. Current Oncology. 23(3), 204-209.
- Ray, H. & Jakubec, S.L. (2014). Nature-based experience and health of cancer survivors. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 20, 188-192.
- Roberson, S.G. (2010). Camp Processes or Mechanisms that Bring About Reports of Social Support. Therapeutic Recreation Journal, 44 (4), 255-269.
- Roszak T., Gomes, M E., & Kanner, A. D. (1995). Ecopsychology – Restoring the Earth, Healing the Mind. Sierra Club Books.
- Rosenberg, R.S., Lange, W., Zebrack, B., Moulton, S., & Kosslyn, S.M. (2014). An Outdoor Adventure Program for Young Adults with Cancer: Positive Effects on Body Image and Psychosocial Functioning. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 32 (5), 622-636.
- Shields, J.M., Abrams, P., & Siegel, S. (1985). An alternative Health Care Setting for Children with Cancer: A Residential Summer Camp. Children’s Health Care, 13 (3), 135-138.
- Song, C., Ikei, H., & Miyazaki, Y. (2016). Physiological Effects of Nature Therapy: A Review of the Research in Japan. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(8), p. 781-798.
- Stegenda, K. (2014). Impact of a Teen Weekend on the Social Support Needs of Adolescents With Cancer. Journal of Pediatric Oncology Nursing, 31 (5), 293-297.
- Steinberg, D. M. (2008). Le travail de groupe : Un modèle axé sur l’aide mutuelle : pour aider les personnes à s’entraider (J. Lindsay, L. Tougas-Lanciault, V. Roy, G. Berteau, & D. Turcotte, Trans.). Québec, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval.
- Stevens, B., Kagan, S., Yamada, J., Epstein, I., Beamer, M., Bilodeau, M., & Baruchel, S. (2004). Adventure therapy for adolescents with cancer. Pediatric & Blood Cancer, 43, 278–284.
- Sugerman, D. (2005). “I Am More than My Cancer”: An Exploratory Examination of Adventure Programming and Cancer Survivors. Journal of Experiential Education, 28 (1), 72-83.
- Swensen, T.G. (1988). A dose of Camp Dost: Meeting the psychosocial needs of children with cancer. Issues in Comprehensive Pediatric Nursing, 11 (1), 29-32.
- Török, S., Kökönyei, G., Károlyi, L., Ittzés, A., & Tomcsányi, T. (2006). Adolescent health brief outcome effectiveness of therapeutic recreation camping program for adolescents living with cancer and diabetes. Journal of Adolescent Health, 39, 445- 447.
- Vella, E.J, Milligan, B. & Bennett, L. (2013). Participation in Outdoor Recreation Program Predicts Improved Psychosocial Well-Being Among Veterans With Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: A Pilot Study. Millitary Medicine, 178, 254-260.
- Wakefield, C.E., Patterson, P., McDonald, F.E.J., Wilson, H.L., Davis, E., Sansom-Daly, U.M. (2013). Assessment of psychosocial outcomes in adolescents and young adults with cancer: a systematic review of available instruments. Clinical Oncology in Adolescents and Young Adults, 3, 13–27.
- Wellisch, D.K., Crater, B., Wiley, F.M., Belin, T.R., & Weinstein, K. (2006). Psychosocial impacts of a camping experience for children with cancer and their siblings. Psycho-Oncology, 15, 56-65.
- William Li, H.C., Chung, O.K.J., Ho, K.Y., Chiu, S.Y., & Lopez, V. (2013). Effectiveness of an integrated adventure-based training and health education program in promoting regular physical activity among childhood cancer survivors. Psycho-Oncology, 22, 2601-2610.
- Wu, Y.P., McPhail, J., Mooney, R., Martiniuk, A., & Amylon, M.D. (2016). A multisite evaluation of summer camps for children with cancer and their siblings. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 34 (6), 449-459.
- Wynn, B., Frost, A., & Pawson, P. (2012). Adventure Therapy Proves Successful for Adolescent Survivors of Childhood Cancers. Kai Tiaki Nursing New Zealand, 18 (1), 28-30.
- Yalom, I. D., & Leszcz, M. (2005). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy (5 ed.). New York: NY: Basic Books.
- Zebrack B.J., Corbett V., Embry L., et al. (2014). Psychological distress and unsatisfied need for psychosocial support in adolescent and young adult cancer patients during the first year following diagnosis. Psychooncology , 23, 1267–1275.
- Zebrack, B. J. (2011). Psychological, social and behavioural issues for young adults with cancer. Cancer, 117 (10 suppl.), 2289-2294.
- Zebrack, B. J. Chesler, M. A., & Penn, A. (2007). Psychosocial support. Dans Bleyer, W.A., Barr, R.D. (dir.), Cancer in Adolescents and Young Adults (p. 375-382). New York, États-Unis : Springer Verglas.
Autres programmes et organisations
À nos débuts en 1996, un nombre plutôt restreint de programmes étaient offerts aux jeunes atteints de cancer. Fort heureusement, la situation a bien changé. Plusieurs autres organisations offrent toute une panoplie de programmes pour les jeunes atteints de cancer. En voici quelques-uns :
- Camp Candlelighters
- Camp Circle of Friends
- Camp Ooch
- Camp Trillium
- Cedars Can Support
- Childhood Cancer Canada
- Club défi cancer
- Fondation québécoise du cancer – programme à Félix
- Fondation Virage
- Gilda’s Club
- Kids Cancer Care
- Kids Cancer Society
- Leucan
- Lymphome Canada
- Nez pour Vivre
- Société canadienne du cancer
- Survive and Thrive
- Young Adult Cancer Canada
- Pink Pearl Canada – Cancer, we get it. Support for self-identifying young women.