



Lorsque nous nous sommes levés, tout était gelé. Un frimas envahissait le toit des tentes. Donc, il faisait froid. Le matin le plus froid du voyage. C’est impressionnant la différence de température lorsque le soleil se lève. Avant de partir, nous avons fait un étirement général où tout le monde avait à initier un mouvement. Une chance que nous ayons arrêté Marie-Ève, nous y aurions passé la journée.

Ce fut une dure journée. Nous avons dû arrêter souvent pour reposer nos épaules, car le parcours était particulièrement accidenté. Tout le monde était fier d’arriver.

Le plan de la soirée était de faire une discussion de groupe telle qu’ils le font à toutes les dernières nuits d’expédition. Cependant, étant donné la fatigue, cette discussion aura lieu demain.

La randonnée de demain sera néanmoins la plus difficile de toutes. La distance à parcourir sera de 14 kilomètres avec un dénivelé de 600 m. Marie-Michelle a averti tout le monde que la tentation de lâcher serait grande. Elle suggère donc de nous concentrer sur la force de notre mental et de penser à l’endroit où nous serons demain soir et par la suite penser à nos proches. Mario a même promis une crème glacée pour tout le monde en arrivant demain. Nous partirons très tôt et tout le monde devra être prêt ce soir.

Voici maintenant les propos de Steph, qui avait mentionné dès la première journée son intention d’écrire dans le blogue. Merci Steph!

« The last leg of what feels like a life changing challenge and a forever accomplishment. In some sense it felt like the end of our trek would never come. The beginning of this journey was filled with much anticipation, uncertainty, hope and nerves. We knew that the journey would not be easy but it was what we signed up for. We all needed this experience for one reason or another and the hope of payoff was within reach. Today, we stand at the end and I have immense gratitude.

As I just read the above, it felt as though I may actually be writing about my cancer and treatment. This whole experience in some sence actually felt like a necessary part of my treatment. Though this was my treatment for the soul which, for me, was siginificantly impacted by my diagnosis.

Over the last 9 days my soul was treated by fresh mountain air and stretched with new perspectives. Today I am full of memories and experiences that I don’t think I have fully digested. I know that over the next few weeks I’ll still be processing all of these sacred moments and wishing I could go back. Here are a few little golden nuggets that I hope forever imprint my soul. Maybe our friends and family can even take these as their own if!

We really don’t know what is next:

No one does. This whole experience of being disconnected from anything digital (phones, computers, watches-TIME, etc) and out of reach of control was challenging but so very powerful. It was a good reminder that when you let go of control you can be open to so much adventure.

Listen to your needs:

To feel as though you’re part of an inner circle where people are vulnerable, open and honest is rare. I don’t think I’ve ever met friends so instantaneously and were I feel others understand me on a complex level before knowing me. They’ve had similar struggles. It was very powereful to see others open up about what they were here for and have the courage to be true to needs.

Connecting with others is a way to answer your questions:

It was so special to witness friendships form that I think will last a lifetime. There were many moments throughout this trip where I heard stories from others that answered questions I had not yet asked. It is a good reminder of how much you can learn just by listening. Whether it is learning how to survive in the woods or more substantial moments such as finding someone who has had the same type of cancer as you.

The summit isn’t always the top:

I saw so many times where people were reaching the top and we were no where near the summit of a mountain. Opening up when you are more introverted, pushing yourself to camp in a tent for 6 days, climbing higher than you ever have, taking on extra weight to lighten the load for others, etc. I could list so many moments like this and I think it is important to recognize accomplishment. I’m so proud of you all!

When in doubt, pitch a tent:

Mario said something so powerful to our group and resonated so strongly with me, “The doctors will take care of my health, nature will take care of my soul“. I think this is something that all us participants have experienced first hand and I hope to carry on with me. It is interesting how comfortable you can get with yourself when you’re away from all the comforts of home.

I am really enjoying digesting the last 9 days and I could keep going but Larissa just invited me to play cards so I have to go! »

Nicolas Tremblay, blogueur et photographe pour la fondation Sur la pointe des pieds

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